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Best Tips how to get rid of stretch marks

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How to get rid of stretch marks on stomach home remedies

If you are worried about how to get rid of stretch marks then you are in the right place stretch marks can appear on girls and boys, women and men, on their thighs, abdomen, hips, breasts, lower back or upper arms – on any part of the body where fat is stored. More than 90% of pregnant women develop these lines in the skin.

 how to get rid of stretch marks
Best Tips how to get rid of stretch marks

Although stretch marks do not cause health-related problems, they are unattractive and unpleasant to the eye. The truth is they do not appear overnight, as they are often a hormonal imbalance result caused by quick gaining or losing weight.

The skin does not have time to get used to the rapid changes, thus it is scarred and stretched. Stretch marks presence is quite troubling, and fortunately, they are not permanent, since several home remedies for stretch marks are employed as an option of treating them.

How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Fast: The Basics

Although there are many time-consuming and quite expensive medications and treatments for getting rid of unpleasant to the eye stretch marks like chemical peels and laser therapy treatments, there are many home remedies.

One thing everyone should know is that these marks are body scars, which means the process of getting rid of them is not very easy. It is difficult to heal them completely; nevertheless, certain creams and lotions are proven to be quite effective in improving the appearance of one’s skin.

If you want to try less expensive and simpler treatment options, do not worry as there are many home remedies for stretch marks. One must be very patient when trying any home remedy because getting rid of stretch marks generally takes a few weeks.

How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Fast: The Basics: The Most Common Remedies

In treating stretch marks, nothing is as beneficial and safe as a good home remedy. Pregnant women, however, must follow their doctor’s advice. Instead of trying invasive, painful and expensive procedures which might or might not work, one needs a little patience and diligent self-maintenance so that the marks will disappear dramatically.

Water, exercise and good nutrition from the inside, and massage, oils, and exfoliation from the outside is what the skin needs the most. All the chemical-free and natural ingredients can be found in every household kitchen or health store and pharmacy, generating effective results.

Among the most common home remedies for stretch marks include oil cream and cocoa butter mix, Aloe Vera and olive oil mix, and sugar and Vitamin C. These three remedies will significantly reduce the stretch marks appearance.

How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Fast: The Basics: Additional Advice

Massaging is also very important as it improves the circulation so that the blood and nutrients can reach the marks, healing them more quickly. A well-balanced diet rich in nutrients, minerals, and vitamins is important because good health of the skin starts from the inside.

Applying Vitamin K over the marks, as well as eating foods rich in these vitamin-like dairy products, tomatoes, leafy green vegetables is advised. Applying lavender oil, Vitamin E, and Vaseline Intensive skin care solution gives astounding results.

Rubbing a mix of a ground coffee and collagen lotion twice a day helps fade stretch marks. In conclusion, besides all these How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks. The Basics, walking, running and jogging, light weight training, and eating a well balanced and healthy diet is also very important when treating such problems.

How does the Prega News Pregnancy Test work?

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 How does the Prega News Pregnancy Test work?

When you get pregnant, your body produces the pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG). Prega News pregnancy tests detect HCG in your urine.
You can perform the test at any time of day. But the best time to take the test first in the morning when your urine will have the highest concentration of hormones.

Prega News Pregnancy Test
Prega News Pregnancy Test

How soon can I do a pregnancy test?

You can take Prega News pregnancy tests from the first day of your missed period. Tests carried out earlier than this are not always 100% accurate.

Is a Prega News test always correct?

Yes, Prega News accurate as long as you follow the instructions correctly.
A positive test result is almost certainly correct. However, a negative test result is less reliable. The result may not be accurate if you:
don't follow the instructions properly
take the test too early
Some medications can also affect the results.

How to use Prega News Kit?

It is reported that Prega News Kit is usually accurate and rarely has shown false positive results. But still, there are chances of false positives. To avoid such situations make sure you should follow below pointers while performing the test.
1- Check the manufacturing date and expiring date before use make sure the product is not expired. The kit won't be working after the expired date.
2- On the circular area on the device, urinate a few drops of urine will work.
3- It will take 1 min to appear the results so hang in there for few minutes.
4- If you are pregnant then two pink lines will appear on the device positive result.
5- There might be some cases where you will see two lines appearing in different colors i.e. one dark pink and one light pink which implies you need to take the test again. Before taking the test again, wait for at least 1 to 3 days in the morning.

6- If you are not pregnant then you can only see one line appearing on the device negative result.
7- Always check the result within 5 minutes. Results are not valid thereafter

What is migraine | symptoms | causes

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Migraine headache is one of the most common problems reported by people worldwide. Though several people are charged with it, they aren’t many who are aware of what exactly the ailment is, what are its causes, and signs and symptoms?

What is Migraine Headache?

Migraine headache is nothing but a disabling headache which usually stems from problems associated with blood cells, and nerves present in the head. The ailment is usually accompanied with throbbing pain, and can last for several hours to several days. It may occur several times a week and even once a year.

What is migraine
What is migraine

Whether you are aware of the fact or not, but around 15% of the population is targeted with migraine headache. In addition, women are three times at a greater risk to the ailment in comparison to men.

What Causes Migraine Headache?

The exact cause behind migraine headache is still unknown. However, researchers have revealed that it is caused due to expansion of blood vessels followed by release of chemicals, which in turn lead to inflammation followed by severe pain.

Besides the above mentioned medical reasoning, there are various triggers that are known to cause migraine. It must be mentioned that different people have different triggers.

However, some of the common triggers are mentioned below –

Consumption of certain food items such as nuts, cheese, chocolates and alcohol brings migraine headache in several people.
Missing a meal is also known to promote migraine headache.

Few people get migraine at times of physical or emotional stress.
An alteration in the daily sleep routine may also onset migraine headache.

Women who take birth control pills are also at an increased risk of migraine headache. They are usually targeted at the end of their cycle when the birth control pill is stopped.

Other causes include environmental factors, hereditary factors, allergic reactions and even a certain smell or odor.

What are Symptoms of Migraine Headache?

Symptoms of migraine headache are known to vary from person to person. However, here is a list of few common symptoms associated with migraine headache –

The most significant symptom of migraine headache is throbbing pain, which may appear on either one or both sides of the brain.
Vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, facial pallor, cold feet, cold hands and sensitivity to sound and light are usually accompanied with migraine headache.

A visual disturbance in the aura may also be seen, and the patients may see splashes of white and black or colored lights.

Top 10 Health Tips How To Live Healthy Life

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Top 10 Health Tips

Almost all of us have come across this adage sometimes or the other – Health is Wealth. This is so true a statement but we realize the worth of it only when we fade and break down.

Health Tips
Health Tips

Eat Healthy

However, if you want to prevent your health from reaching that state of break down, you need to follow some of the most important health tips to live a healthy life. Various tips have been suggested by experts and consultants in the medical fields to help you achieve a sound health. Below presented are the top 10 health tips for your healthy living.

Tip 1 -  Eat Healthy

The first and the foremost health tip to stay young and healthy is to eat rich and healthy food high in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. A healthy diet is the most important thing you should eat at least 2 times a day with proper supplements and nourishment. Along with that, make sure to eat fresh fruits which are very necessary for the growth and development of the body. Include green vegetables in the meal.

Tip 2 -  Exercise Regularly

The second of the Top 10 health tips is to perform regular exercise daily. Include exercise in your daily schedule. It is not necessarily to spend hours in the gym doing workout. Some simple exercises like jogging, skipping, push-ups etc may also work to that effect. These simple exercises can be performed in an open environment near your house early in the morning or in the evening. Exercise helps you breathe in fresh air and improves the blood circulation of your body.

Tip 3 – Sleep Well

One of the health tips is to take adequate amount of sound sleep every day. According to studies people who do not take proper rest and sleep tend to show signs of weakness and laziness while performing their chores. Some of the simple ways to ensure proper and fast sleep are as follows

Read a book before you sleep. Reading acts as a soothing balm and provides a favorable sensation which helps you to sleep.
Use a reading light instead of an overhead light because the latter stimulates the brain to wake up.

In certain cases, you can also wear an eye mask to keep way from the light and improve the quality of your sleep.

Tip 4 – Avoid sitting all day

According to research it has shown that peoples who spend all day in sitting increases their chances of lots of disease. To live a healthy living, make sure that you walk enough daily and walk the stairs as far as possible. Avoid taking use of the lift and walk to your work if possible. It is better to sleep and take rest in between than just not doing anything and sitting idle. Doctors have recommended walking at least one KM a day to ensure optimal health.

Tip 5 – Have Regular Check-up

This is another important part of top 10 health tips which is very essential for achieving a sound health. You should make it a part of your routine to visit your family doctor after every 2-3 weeks. This regular medical check-up is essential for you to avoid any health issues and concerns.  Doctors are the best judge of your state of health; hence they can provide you with the best of advice and recommendation towards achieving a healthy mind and body.

Tip 6 – Perform Meditation

Meditation is an art which forms a vital step towards top 10 health tips. While performing this, close off the light in your room and shut the door. Make an environment to perform this exercise. It requires complete peace and concentration on your part. This is extremely essential for the stressful mind and body. It helps you get rid of your tensions and worries and make you feel relaxed and vibrant. Performing it for 15 minutes 2- 3 times a day can give useful results.

Tip 7 – Participate in Games and Sports

Taking active participation in games is another useful health tips for live healthy. Games and sports give you an opportunity to relax and feel refreshed. Playing outdoor games allows you to breathe in fresh air and ensure proper functioning of your nervous system. Games are types of regular exercise and provide all the benefits that regular exercise does. Right from keeping you active and cheerful all the time to building your healthy personality, everything can be achieved by playing games regularly.

Tip 8 – Emotional Gestures

This is another essential one of the top 10 health tips that can provide you healthy body and mind. Always think positive and look at the brighter side of the coin. This helps in reducing the stress, worries and tensions from your life. Laugh out as much as possible during the day. Laughing energizes 50 of your facial muscles and makes them active. It adds glow to your face and make you look young and cheerful.

Tip 9 – Avoid Alcohol and Cigarette

This is true that alcohol and cigarette act like a silent killer for your life. Too much consumption of cigarette and alcohol disturbs the functioning of your heart, liver and kidneys and cause severe health issues in your life. Research has shown that cigarette and alcoholic drinks can reduce the life expectancy of an average individual drastically.

Tip 10 – Drink Plenty of Fresh Water

Another very important health tip is drink lot of fresh water daily water hydrates your body and helps in digestive system. If you want to lose weight fast drink worm water otherwise drink normal water. Drink at 10 glasses of water to achieve healthy and sound body.

Thus we have seen that above are the top 10 health tips following which you can expect to achieve a healthy and sound body. These health tips for 2011 are the most recommended ones and should be followed by everyone who wants to live healthily in hi

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home remedies for mole removal on face

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Home remedies for mole removal on face

In this article we show you 15 effective home remedies for mole removal on face to treat unwanted moles, always check with doctor before the appearance of a suspicious mole, although the percentage of moles that can be malignant is very small, it is always important to consult a professional before take decisions.
home remedies for mole removal on face
home remedies for mole removal on face

1. Apple cider vinegar

Pour four or five drops of vinegar into a cotton ball, using a teaspoon. Put this ball on the mole, and cover it with a bandage or tape.

2. Iodine

Use a solution that contains 5% iodine. Pour a few drops on a cotton ball and place it on the mole a bandage, tape or bandage.

3. Garlic

Cut a clove of garlic in half (lengthwise) and place it on the mole. Cover it with a bandage and leave on all night.

Remove the bandage in the morning and repeat again at night, until the mole disappears.

4. Banana peel

Simply cover the mole with the inside of a banana peel. Warp it with a cloth or a bandage.

5. Strawberries

Cut a strawberry in half. You can put the piece of the strawberry in the mole and wrap it, or you can rub the strawberry on the mole.

6. Baking soda and castor oil

Make a paste by mixing a few drops of castor oil and baking soda.

Apply the paste directly on the mole at night before going to bed and do not rinse until the next morning.

7. Grapefruit juice

Extract the juice of the grapefruit. Dip cotton ball in the juice and apply it on the mole.

8. Aloe vera Gel

Soak a piece of gauze in aloe vera gel and than place in the mole.

9. Linseed oil

The oil will soften the mole and reduce the tension of the edges, do that it can fall off.

10. Pineapple juice

This is the best remedy to get rid of moles on the face. Soak a gauze or cotton ball in about 1/2 cup of pineapple juice.

Apply directly on the mole and let it dry.

11. Onion juice

Make some fresh onion juice and apply it with cotton directly on the mole. After half an hour, wash the area with water.

12. Coriander seeds

Make a paste of coriander seeds and apply it on the mole at night. It is a very effective herbal remedy to get rid of the mole on skin.

13. Vitamin C

Crush a vitamin C tablet and apply the powder on the mole. Cover the mole with a bandage and leave overnight. Repeat for several days.

14. Cumin seeds

Soak some cumin seeds in water overnight. Make a thick paste by grinding them in the morning.

15. Acid apples

To remove the mole in a month, apply the juice of a sour apple to the mole every day.

16. Potato

Cut a thin slice of a potato and place it on the mole. Wrap it in a bandage and leave overnight. Do this for a week.

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The Best Way Of Eno Uses

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What are Eno uses

Eno is really a good product and it removes gastric problems from stomach instantly. Eno is one of the best products in the antacid category as it is used to treat acidity, gastric discomfort, and heartburn. But it should be used in limited quantity. Eno neutralizes excess stomach acid. Using too much Eno is not good.

Eno Uses
Eno Uses

Eno uses in gas and acidity 

First, add half a tablespoon of Eno into a full glass of water and drink it immediately; soon you will get relief from acidity. When Eno gets mixed with water the bubbles of co2 gets produced which relieves gases. The soda neutralizes the acids in the stomach, it calms your stomach acids. Eno reduces the acidity and the burning sensation.

Eno Uses in Cooking 

Eno can be used for cocking. It can be handy in preparing lots of dishes. For all that fluffiness and softness, Eno is used in various food preparations like pancakes, rice flour, dhoklas, khaman, idli, dosa tortillas, wheat flour tortillas etc. 

Precautions and warnings of Eno uses

Avoid Eno Fruit Salt if you are allergic to Eno or suffer from an allergic reaction in the past. According to doctors regular intake of Eno in acidity can be harmful. Eno uses during pregnancy and lactation is not known, consult a doctor for proper guidance before using. Eno can be used only with water don’t mix Eno in other liquids.

Question about Eno uses

1. What Causes Heartburn
Heartburn occurs when the stomach’s natural acids flow up into the esophagus, causing discomfort or pain in the chest

The Esophagus Doesn’t Have The Same Protective Coating As The Stomach So When Stomach Acid Flows Upwards Into The Esophagus, It May Irritate The Sensitive Tissues, Causing The Pain Known As Heartburn.

ENO antacid provides quick relief from heartburn by acting directly on the esophagus where the pain starts.

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Spicy herbs can increase metabolism lose weight

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Spicy herbs can increase metabolism.

Spicy herbs can help rev up your metabolism and give you an energy boost. For example, peppers contain the compound capsaicin that can increase your metabolism and help with digestion.
Spicy herbs can increase metabolism lose weight
Spicy herbs can increase metabolism lose weight


This is one of the most effective weight loss herbs that keep your stomach full for a long period of time. For those who experience hunger pangs at odd hours should include cinnamon in their daily diet. This miracle herb is also useful in stabilizing sugar levels. according to the businessinsider


Guarana is made from the seeds of a plant native to Brazil. The diuretic properties of guarana are very useful for losing weight. It stimulates the nervous system, avoiding emotional eating due to stress or tension. This is one of the effective weight loss herbs that increases serotonin levels, a chemical that creates a feeling of fullness. The side effects of guarana include nausea, dizziness and anxiety. Take 5 grams guarana seeds every morning with lukewarm water. according to the healthbeckon

Green Coffee Bean

A natural compound in green coffee bean, chlorogenic acid, has been shown to increase fat absorption and stop weight gain. A study of green coffee bean extract showed that those supplementing with green coffee bean not only lost weight, but their body fat percentage declined.[1] In the study, blood sugar was also reduced in individuals taking green coffee bean extract. One study in 2012 found positive results but was later retracted. However other studies since then have shown positive results as well. It seems the jury is out on green coffee bean, but regardless of the effect of chlorogenic acid, caffeine does increase metabolism. according to the globalhealingcenter

Cayenne pepper

This spice is made up of a compound known as capsaicin which is an effective fat cutter and also helps to eliminate food cravings. According to a study conducted by Prudue University, it was found that cayenne is helpful in weight reduction as it speeds up the metabolism process of the body, thus burning more calories. according to the thinknaturaltoday


Probably the most well-known herbal formula in ayurveda is triphala (“three fruits”). Containing amla (Emblica officinalis), bibitaki (Terminalia belerica), and haritaki (Terminalia chebula), it has a light laxative effect and is well studied as a supreme general detoxifier and antioxidant. The combination of guggul and triphala recently showed a surprising effect in controlling body fat. When 48 obese subjects took these Ayurvedic combinations three times a day for three months, with no attempt to control their food intake, the resulting weight loss averaged almost 18 pounds, along with a drop in total cholesterol of 18 points. The dose used in the study was only 500 mg of the combination, three times per day. according to the internationalintegrative

Saffron During The Pregnancy - Good And Bad Effects Of Saffron On Health

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Health Benefits of Saffron During Pregnancy

Along with raising the taste of food, saffron is also used in lots of Ayurvedic treatments. Saffron During The Pregnancy Saffron is light and golden red color also beneficial for health. The aroma of saffron is very sharp.Saffron can be used in various types of recipes, and can be used in kheer, biryani, dessert and milk etc. By mixing saffron in milk, it removes the darkness of the skin. 
Saffron During The Pregnancy
Saffron During The Pregnancy

In normal language, saffron is a simple and tasty treatment for improving health. It provides many health benefits, such as improving respiratory health, improving digestive system, eliminating pain, improving sleep, reducing bleeding, preventing diabetes, strengthening bones and improving the immune system.

How to choose real saffron

Saffron is very expensive. Many fake products are made of saffron color and are sold in the name of saffron. To identify real and fake kesar, put a little saffron in hot water or milk, if it leaves color immediately, then it is fake. The real saffron leaves dark red color at least ten to fifteen minutes and starts to smell as well.

Health benefits of saffron

There is a lot of benefits of saffron on health 

Cool down the body

Saffron provides coolness in our body. There are many properties in saffron that provide coolness in our body, it is very beneficial in the summer. Drink it in milk it will be very relaxing. If you want to mix kesar with curd or sugar, it will be effective soon.

Improve eyesight

Saffron improves your eyesight. Saffron has many qualities that enhance your eyesight and keep you away from the glasses. By using saffron every day, your eyes will be healthy soon.

Control blood pressure

In saffron, there is a high amount of potassium that regulates your blood pressure. Saffron properly controls your cells so that you do not have heart-related diseases and improve your health. Saffron helps in your blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes etc.

Reduce weight

With the help of saffron, you can also reduce your weight. By consuming saffron and milk your metabolism becomes faster and your body fat is burned too. The result of which is that your weight also decreases easily. Drink milk and saffron every morning, it will also be good for your mood. You will also feel not hungry and lose weight.

Saffron During the pregnancy

Saffron During The Pregnancy
Saffron During The Pregnancy

Normal Delivery

Drinking milk with saffron increases the chances of normal delivery. In such a situation, it should be started from the fifth month of pregnancy.

Fairer child

During the pregnancy drinking saffron in the milk daily, the color of the child is becomes fairer. Thiamin and Riboflavin properties present in it keep the body of pregnant women healthy.

Beneficial for Eyes

During pregnancy, some women become very stressed due to which they have various problems of eyes. Apart from this, the eyesight of some women becomes weak after delivery. In such a way, they should drink saffron milk daily, which keeps the eyes healthy.

Blood Pressure

During pregnancy, there is a problem of blood pressure due to stress due to women. For this consuming saffron milk daily, blood pressure is balanced and muscles are also become strong.

Improve digestion

During pregnancy, the digestive tract of women becomes very weak. Due to changes in the hormone in the body, they are not able to digest heavy food, due to which women often have stomach upset. In this, drinking saffron milk strengthens the digestive system and stomach remains healthy.

There are many benefits of eating saffron during pregnancy. But during this time saffron can be a cause for many problems. Therefore it is important to know the benefits of eating saffron and 
its side effects in pregnancy.

Due to eating more saffron, you may have problems like headache restlessness, dizziness, dry mouth etc. Due to these, pregnancy can cause problems.

Some women begin to vomit due to saffron.

safed musli benefits and side effects

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Safed musli benefits

White muesli is a unique miracle herb that is used to cure many health problems. White muesli is considered a miracle in the world of Ayurveda.
safed musli benefits
safed musli benefits

It increases the power of fighting diseases. This is used more in men because it is primarily a herb that increases men's strength and stabilizes the internal force. It increases swmen and makes it thicker. Additionally it is effective to give strength to the muscles.

If you are too lean or underweight, you can treat your leanness by using white masli. For this, you must make Ashwagandha, White Mussali and Mulhithi with 50-50 grams and grind 100 grams of sugar in it. It takes every morning in the evening twice a day for 40 days, your body becomes strong and powerful.

It is very useful for the treatment of microorganisms and improves the number of sperms, amount of semen, time of sex and mobility. White muesli increases the level of testosterone (men's sex hormone) and also improves testicular function (semen production). For your information, let us know that regular intake of white muesli increases the number of sperm in semen. This gives you comfort in many types of sex problems. If you are trying to increase the number of sperms, then you must use it.

White muesli also have an effective treatment of diabetes. It enhances the production of insulin and keeps diabetes in control.
Antioxidants are in abundance in white muesli. It reduces glucose in the body and is very helpful in reducing diabetes.
If you are weak, slim or weaker than normal, then you should take half a spoonful of white muesli with milk twice a day. You can also eat safed muesli‘s capsule. This will also balance your blood sugar level.

For the treatment of nightlife: If the patient feels weakness, back pain and lack of strength or energy after emission in the night, then white muesli powder should be used with sugar for a few weeks. 
This measure helps to reduce the frequency of night emissions and to regenerate the body.

If the use of white muesli is consumed and consumed under the prescribed quantity (dose) under the medical supervisor, there is no 

side-effect of safed muesli.

In high concentrations the muscular reducing appetite.

It is a herb giving strength, so it can increase weight too.

According to Ayurvedic properties, it is late in digestion and 
enhances cough.





Difficulty breathing

amazing health benefits of peanuts

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benefits of peanuts
benefits of peanuts

The winter season has begun and this season has its own fun to eat peanuts. We all eat peanuts, therefore, everybody should know the health benefits of peanuts Peanut is very beneficial for the health, as well as the taste. It is also called cheap almond. Because it contains almost all the minerals found in almonds but at cheap prices. Peanut is the treasure of health regular eating of peanut can cure problems of constipation. It is also helpful in keeping the digestive system better, as well as the use can be avoided gas and acidity due to its intake, the possibility of stomach cancer also decreases. 

Benefits of peanuts

Peanut is a treasure of health. The amount of protein found in the peanuts very high. Protein equivalent to 1 liter of milk is found in 100 grams of raw peanuts. The amount of protein in peanut is more than 25%. It is also useful in increasing digestion. In the amount of 250 grams of roasted groundnut and peanuts, minerals and vitamins we get, which we even don’t get from 250 grams of meat. Apart from this, using peanut oil in your body reduces the germs of your body and your body gets good nutrition. Peanut contains nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that are very beneficial for your health.


Protein is helpful in making cells in the body. Protein works to make new cells and fix old cells. The highest amount of protein in peanuts is found. Therefore, consuming some quantity of peanuts daily is very beneficial for children along with the everybody. Vegetarians can also eat peanuts and cure their body fat deficiency.


Vitamins are important for overall development. Vitamins ensure important health for cells and tissues and protect them from infections. Peanut provides essential vitamins to our body, which regulates metabolism, transforms fat and carbohydrate into energy. Proteins also help in the formation of bone and tissue which we get from peanuts.


Peanuts contain high amounts of antioxidant polyphenols, mainly p-coumaric acid and a compound called oleic acid, which not only protects the heart but also prevents the production of harmful elements.

Lungs benefits

Peanut is also useful in coughing. Regular consumption of the peanuts strengthens the lungs. Increases digestion power and the problem of not feeling hungry is also removed. So keep in mind that the red membrane on groundnut should not be eaten and should not drink water before half an hour of eating peanuts. Experts believe that peanuts help prevent lung cancer.

Younger looking skin

Peanut is also consumed to prevent growing symptoms of aging. It contains proteins, fats, fiber, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants in abundance. Therefore, the skin looks younger from its intake. To make lighter wrinkles on the face, peanut oil can be massaged.
benefits of peanuts
benefits of peanuts

Precautions of eating peanut

Thyroid patients should not eat peanuts. The ingredient called Goitrogens found in it can unbalance the process of the thyroid gland. Peanuts are high-calorie seeds, excessive consumption can lead to obesity, so eat it in a balanced quantity. Patients of kidney or bladder should not eat peanuts.

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